Calibration - Sysbiotech buttons
Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Vienna Austria
+43 660 990 4409


The calibration window is accessed by clicking the Calibrate button (in the bottom of the main window) or on the “Maintenance” button then on “Controllers Calibration”. In the “Calibration” window choose the Controller to calibrate and then click on OK.

Controller calibration

It is important to remember that pH calibrations need to be done before sterilizing the vessel because it is not possible to access the probe after sterilization. Should this be forgotten, a Single calibration can be performed by sampling the reactor and using an offline meter. Because the slope is incorrect in a one point calibration, this does not work well if the pH of the media will be changed during the run. If changes are required, subsequent Single calibrations must be performed. When using an offline meter, it is important to get the sample to the meter as soon as possible because changes in pressures and temperatures can cause shifts in the pH of the sample.

DO2 calibrations can be performed in several ways. For processes that are being scaled up or transferred it is important to be consistent in the method chosen. It is important to remember that dissolved oxygen is a relative measurement affected by temperature, pressure, agitation rate, airflow rate and media composition.

For calibrated devices such as mass flow meters (MFCs), electronic balances, and pressure sensors, it is assumed that the device was previously calibrated and the output to C-BIO is correct. To calibrate an MFC without a local display it is necessary to monitor the output signal (to C-BIO) and calculate the flow using the calibration data provided by the MFC manufacturer.