Process vessels with SIP/CIP - Sysbiotech buttons
Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Vienna Austria
+43 660 990 4409

Problem: Process was split in 2 different areas with different class of clean rooms. After pretreatment in “Room A”, material is transferred to “Room B”. In “Room A” it was necessary to install 3 vessels with CIP/SIP functions. In “Room B” there had to be 6 vessels with CIP/SIP functions. Material from any vessel of “Room A” had to be transfered to any vessel in “Room B”. But there was no possibility to install common CIP-kitchen for the whole facility.

Solution: For each room we manufactured the vessels under control of SYSBIOTECH SCADA system with all piping, valves, sensors, etc. which is needed for an automatic SIP-procedure. Now each vessel can be independently operated and SIP may be done anytime. Piping between the rooms was equipped with automatic valves and sensors for fully automatic control of material transfer process+CIP+SIP. For CIP procedure in each room there was installed a mobile SYSBIOTECH CIP-system which is suitable for the vessels and piping CIP-procedure.

How it works: All standard operating procedures (SOP) were put in controllers as sequences. So the production manager of the facility can be sure that each step of the technological process fully matches GMP requirements. Each vessel has SIP and SOP procedures defined for each step. To transfer materials from “Room A” to “Room B” controllers in each room communicate with each other and check conditions for material transfer:

Controller of Mobile CIP-station contents all CIP protocols for all vessels and transfer lines. In case CIP-station is connected with vessel, both controllers communicate with each other and operate equipment simultaneously. All records about CIP- procedure can be stored in both controllers (vessel and CIP-system).

Result:  Customer got a solution which fully meets his requirements. On the one hand, this solution is flexible for management of all technological processes, on another hand, all actions are performed strictly according to GMP rules. All procedures (such as SOPs) are executed by SYSBIOTECH controller system, all data is stored in the database. This solution allows to save the money thanks to the use of mobile CIP-systems instead of big CIP-kitchen for the whole facility.

Room A
Room A

Room B
Room B


Vessels automation