CARR Powerfuge P6 - Sysbiotech buttons
Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Vienna Austria
+43 660 990 4409

CARR Powerfuge P6

Powerfuge P6
Powerfuge P6 scheme

PneumaticScaleAngelus’ unique CARR P6 Powerfuge System provides continuous-flow two-phase separation of solids and liquids at rates up to 60 liters/hour.

The P6 is designed for ease of operation, with sealed feed and drain lines allowing for aerosol-free operation. Similarly, no special tools are required to disassemble the system. Integrated turnkey systems incorporating feed delivery options, CIP and SIP skids, temperature control, and closed-loop centrate pumping under vacuum are available.

The P6 system meets cGMP requirements and has been validated to meet chemical and pharmaceutical industry protocols. The P6 is engineered to optimize ease of operation while maximizing throughput; each step in the process can be readily automated so that time spent on routine maintenance can be minimized.

Industrial-scale bioreactor 500-1000L
Pro-Lab control system bioreactors
Full-size CIP/SIP Fermenters 150L-300L-500L
Process vessel with CIP and SIP – 250L