Pilot-scale fermenters Archives - Sysbiotech buttons
Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Vienna Austria
+43 660 990 4409

We propose a wide range of pilot-scale fermenters for microorganisms cultivation from 15 to 500 liters for different branches of biotechnology such as industrial, pharmaceutical, agricultural and environmental. For specific applications our fermenters can be designed in compliance with GMP or GLP rules.

SIP/CIP fermenters by SYSBIOTECH are designed to meet your requirements in process development and production. These systems are available in two versions: one compact solution for research and production at small scale (from 15L to 100L) and one fully stainless steel platform for pilot and industrial use from 150L to more than 500L.

When your future requirements change, SYSBIOTECH pilot-scale fermenters can be customized and/or upgraded to fulfill your specific application requirements.

C-BIO2 SCADA system
Full-size CIP/SIP Fermenters 150L-300L-500L
Compact CIP/SIP Fermenters 15L-50L-100L
Fermenter with gas medium